Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hill's Alleged Assault

On April 30, 2012 Los Angeles Lakers reserve power forward/center was charged with a third degree felony for allegedly choking his former girlfriend of two years. Although expected to return to Houston--the site of the alleged incident--and be present at a 9:30 hearing at Harris County District Court on May 1st, Hill spent his Monday night snuggled in his bed at his Los Angeles home. Hill’s Tuesday morning was spent mentally preparing for athletic battle and his Tuesday night was spent in front of millions of viewers at Staples Center and on TNT.
Sure people deserve to be innocent until proven guilty; however, how can he be deemed innocent or guilty if he can circumvent the due process granted to him because of his status has a NBA player. When has playoff games or winning a championship become more important than justice in American society.
I am appalled that he was pardoned from his hearing and will continue to be indefinitely pardoned because American society wants Hill to appear at the court in the Staples Center Arena and not a court with judges and legitimate rulings. Even if the alleged crime didn’t occur, Hill should be proven innocent of the felony allegation in court before being allowed to continue game play with the storied NBA franchise. Delinquency, or rumors of it occurring, cannot be tolerated by an organization with as much financial and social clout as the NBA simply to appease basketball enthusiasts.

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